Case Study: Fresh! Insurance Group
Outbound Call Management for Insurance Broker.
Based in Redditch, award-winning Fresh! Insurance Group is one of the largest privately-held insurance brokers in the UK. A long-standing customer of Callstream, Fresh! operates its own call centre, offering specialist motor and home insurance.
The Challenge
Fresh! needed a more effective solution for proactively contacting its renewal customers and following up with prospective web leads, as its existing process was time consuming and error prone.
Fresh! considered a traditional hardware-based dialler, but this was costly, over specified, and couldn’t be tailored to meet its specific needs.
The Solution
Fresh! chose the Callstream Midas hosted dialler, giving it the effectiveness it needed with the flexibility of a capex-free installation. With Midas, Fresh! was able to configure the solution to suit its requirements, prioritising its hottest leads, and routing these to its outbound team first. And since Midas is a progressive dialler, it always connects the agent first, so no risk of silent calls.
The Results
With Midas, Fresh! was able to cut the time taken to follow up with hot leads from next day to 2 – 4 minutes, and sold several hundred policies in the two months following installation.
Midas has enabled Fresh! to respond quickly to change requests and lead volumes, and provides timely and more granular management information. It has allowed the company to integrate, automate and control priority calls, while the web browser-based presentation keeps PC resource overhead to a minimum.